Sunday, November 21, 2010

Comments please?

We take time to make our websites stand out so we'll be able to proudly ask our friends and other bloggers to visit our sites or exchange links. Then when everything is set, we blog hop, read a little, post a comment then hope that the blog's author would "visit back" and post a comment too. That's one way of interacting with people around blogosphere and at the same time you get the chance to promote your site.

But do you comment on every blog that you visit?
I used to. But then I thought, what for? After all, if my comments are uninteresting, most probably the blog's author won't be interested to visit my site anyways. So I stopped. Although I do visit those blogs, read the most recent entry and if I can't relate to that post or I really don't have anything to add to what the author already said, I skip it or look for older post that might spark my interest so I could post a comment. However, I made myself a list of DO's and DONTs when blog commenting.

1. I try to avoid posting two-word comments like "I agree" or "me too" or "that's interesting". (and then a smiley at the end *lol*) Although there are times when I start with those words but I make sure I add something after that in a form of a question or additional information.
2. I don't force myself to post a comment if none of the author's posts really interests me.
3. I check other reader's comments first before commenting to make sure the author won't think I copy other people's opinion.
4. Re-visit the site and check on additional comments (in case the author answered my question, if I posted a question or if the author has something to say to what I posted). I know there's an option to subscribe to the comments feed but I'm already having trouble organizing my email. But I might when I cleared all the spams from my Inbox.
5. And most importantly, I read the post before commenting (if the post is really long and boring most probably, I'm out of there even before I get to the comment form).

Anyways, I was about to delete the spam comments in R.O.A.D. but decided I might actually find something funny and here are examples of commenting without reading:

A. "I desired to thank you for this epic post"
~It would have been nice if it wasn't for my post of a song's lyrics. What's so epic about that?

B. "I've been looking for information about this everywhere and I can't find any"
~ posted on Facebook Quizzes post. Really? I didn't know it was that difficult to search for FB quizzes!

I know most of the time, those people who comment without reading are those who are getting "paid" to comment. But thanks to those spam filtering plugins, I don't have to read to each and every comment posted since 90% of the comments I get are spams.

How about you? Do you have any "epic" DOs and DONT's list? ;)

*NOTE: I don't mean to offend anyone who has been taking the job of commenting on blogs (I do too sometimes). And there really are people who would take the time to read the post before commenting even if its paid. But there are people who would copy and paste their "generic" comments without making sure if it fits the post.


  1. Ouch! I sometimes get jobs like that! Yes, for the right price I will - read the blog and make a sensible comment.

    From the sound of it, you are moderating the comments manually, aren't you? I'm trying to find a widget/plugin that does that automatically. Since I left the wordpress domain, they have removed the free comment plugin as well.

  2. I wasn't offended at all - don't worry. ;)

  3. thank for the amazing information
